About Terry Truman

Gettin Weird

GETTIN’ WEIRD,’ the gripping sequel to Terry Trueman’s acclaimed novel ‘INSIDE OUT.’

Yer gonna become some street bum, some lunatic loser! by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 1.

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Oh Captain my Captain & Rum and Coke by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 2.

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Bay Camp Juvenile Detention by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 3.

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Dan Mender, Prison sous chef? by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 4.

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Red Hair & Freckles by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 5.

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Joey the Judge by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 6.

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Calling Wally by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 7.

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The Letter by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 8.

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A.A., Lent, & My Old Man by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 9.

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The First 16 hours by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 10.

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L-U-V & Remember “Only YOU can Prevent Forrest Fires” by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 11.

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Brookridge Country Club by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 12.

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Dinner with a Hostage Negotiator by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 13.

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Half-FULL by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 14.

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G-E-D by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 15.

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The Wahhsteds & The Inside Out of Dog Smarts by Vincent V Triola

Gettin Weird Chapter 16.

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