
Musings on a Variety of Topics

Though known for writing YA, I also write articles about different areas of interest and concern. These are some of my thoughts on different topics.


Beyond Denial of Death Next Stage

Big Ideas on wrapping shit up Beyond Denial of Death Next Stage Since the passing of Ernest Becker, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book "The Denial of Death," there has been a significant continuation of his work and ideas. Scholars and thinkers have further explored Becker's concepts, examining the human tendency to deny mortality and vulnerability. This exploration has led to the development of various movements aimed at improving our relationship with dying, such as...

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Filthy Beauty Of Agnotology & Personality Disorders

Filthy Beauty of Agnotology and Personality Disorders “Historians and philosophers of science have tended to treat ignorance as an ever-expanding vacuum into which knowledge is sucked – or even, as Johannes Kepler once put it, as the mother who must die for science to be born. Ignorance, though, is more complex than this. It has a distinct and changing political geography that is often an excellent indicator of the politics of knowledge. We need a political agnotology to complement...

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Thoughts on Psycho-linguistics & Developmental Psychology

When Wittgenstein stated that an expression only has meaning within the stream of life, he was referring to language, specifically to words and their relationship to each other in communication. An expression, or a word, has no inherent meaning unless used to convey something important or meaningful to someone else. Without this meaning, an expression would be "just" words, as Wittgenstein described them. This idea of meaning being tied to the context in which a word...

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